Fig. 3.6f: Some Special Sidewalk Ending Situations
Situation 4: There is a wheel chair ramp present along the length of the sidewalk, but is not at the beginning (0.0 point) or the end (total length of sidewalk). For example, if the sidewalk segment is 100.0m in length and there is a wheel chair ramp at 20.0m, in the Additional Midblock Sidewalk Connections table in the comments section on the back of the sheet this will be noted, along with the aforementioned items on page 11, 12 & 13. Any wheel chair ramp located for access to a mailbox are not to be included.
If a situation, not described above occurs, be sure to make a note of the situation to prevent the need for a follow up site visit.
A rare situation that may occur is where there is a median/pork chop in the middle of the road (either at the end or beginning of the segment). Sometimes there is a portion of sidewalk that runs through it. When this occurs, this will need to be inspected but is not included in the length of the sidewalk segment that it is assigned to. Furthermore, only Urgent or High severity deficiencies will be recorded, and no wheel chair ramp info will be noted either. If one of these medians/pork chops is to be inspected, this will be indicated in the Asset Description field in Hansen, and in the Additional Comments/Observations section on the back of the inspection sheet for that particular segment. A typical example of a spot where this may occur is a roundabout, but it may occur at any other intersection.