For the year ending December 31, 2019


Manor Club

The fiscal year ending December 31, 2019 concluded with Willistead Manor Inc. continuing its “Manor Club” fund raising campaign. Operating on a budget of $4,500 all of which is dedicated to the Manor Club campaign, various fundraising efforts were undertaken to promote the Willistead Manor Club this year and in the future. A positive operating fund balance from 2018 was included in the 2019 budget, which, combined with normal operating expenses, resulted in a cumulative surplus for 2019 of $21,760.

Nine contributions to the Manor Club were received, amounting to $4,450. Five of the Manor Club contributions exceeded the $100 annual membership established by the Board of Directors. Since its inception in 1982, contributions to the Manor Club total $382,028.

As the Board is empowered under Section 6 (c) of its governing legislation

“to pay over from time to time monies received by the Corporation to the City Treasurer and the City shall use any monies so received only for the purposes of operating, renovating and furnishing Willistead Manor”.

We will be presenting a cheque to the City Treasurer in the amount of $8,361 to be applied toward the continued restoration of Willistead.