Fig. 5.3: Spalling of a Concrete Sidewalk ( , )


As mentioned in section 4.9, there are some special case scenarios that are encountered while inspecting sidewalks. These scenarios have the potential to cause trips hazards to pedestrians and should be treated just like any other trip hazard/uplift. The following will show some typical scenarios that may be encountered while inspecting a sidewalk segment. In no way do the following scenarios represent every situation that may be encountered, but serve as a representation of the more common scenarios encountered.

6.1 Maintenance Holes

If a maintenance hole is present in a sidewalk, it may cause a serious trip hazard. If the maintenance hole has sunk, or is not level with the surrounding concrete/asphalt, this needs to be noted on the inspection sheet as an Encroachment (based on its depth – 20mm or greater). Check the M/H box in the location information column to indicate the trip hazard is at a maintenance hole. These can be owned by the City of Windsor or by other companies such as WUC and Bell.

Fig. 6.1: Maintenance Hole in Sidewalk ( Google Maps - ©2013 Google)

6.2 Water Valves/Curb stops

In some cases a WUC water valve or curb stop may be present along a sidewalk. If the water valve or curb stop is raised from the sidewalk (or sunk), this needs to be noted on the inspection sheet as an encroachment (based on it’s depth – 20mm or greater). Check the water valve or curb stop box in the