Habitat protection, restoration and stewardship work is a priority in London’s publically owned Environmentally Significant Areas (ESAs) in order to protect and enhance their ecological integrity. This restoration work is consistent with the CMP recommendations for ESAs and Provincial Best Management Practices. The Upper Thames River Conservation Authority (UTRCA) ESA team complete most of the restoration work through capital projects and a contract which is funded and directed by the City. Trained volunteers with the City’s Adopt an ESA program also participate in restoration projects demonstrating their commitment to local stewardship.

CMPs have been completed for some ESAs within the City of London. These Council-supported documents outline recommendations that highlight the importance of actively managing the natural features and functions of an ESA, including the management of invasive species, recording and monitoring invasive plant species presence, and recognizing that the removal of aggressive invasive species is a priority. The City retained Dillon Consulting and UTRCA to develop and successfully implement an Invasive Species Management Plan for the Medway Valley Heritage Forest (MVHF) ESA to mitigate invasive species impacts to Species at Risk (SAR) and Conservation Concern species. The City, Dillon Consulting, and UTRCA were all recognized by the Federal Government for innovative invasive species management, habitat protection and contributions to the Federal Recovery Strategy for the False Rue-anemone ( Enemion biternatum ) in Canada (2016).