e) Parks Operations

Currently, about 11% of the City (inside the Urban Growth Boundary) is publically owned parkland and over 60% of that area or about 1,400 hectares is managed as naturalized, no-mow areas and this area increases every year. Parks Operations staff are trained to identify invasive species in the field and assist in coordinating invasive species control projects.

Invasive Plant Species Management in London’s ESAs, Parks & Woodlands

  2006 -2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016
Phragmites australis(Common Reed)*            
Japanese Knotweed*
Dog Strangling Vine*
Common and GlossyBuckthorn*
Giant Hogweed*        
Garlic Mustard      
Purple Loosestrife
Black Locust  
Scots Pine
Non-Native Honeysuckle  
Russian/Autumn Olive
*denotes priority species