Council Report: S 161/2020

Subject: Response to CQ9-2019 Practices and Procedures for Sidewalk Repairs - City Wide


Date to Council: November 25, 2020
Author: Sarah Meneses
Engineer I
519-255-6560 x4314
Public Works - Operations
Report Date: November 6, 2020
Clerk’s File #: SW2020

To : Mayor and Members of City Council


THAT the response to CQ9-2019, BE RECEIVED by Council for information.

Executive Summary:



At the meeting of May 6, 2019, Councillor Bortolin asked CQ9- 2019 “asks that administration report back on current practices and procedures regarding both immediate and long term sidewalk repairs. Taking into consideration timing, materials, safety concerns, as well as matching local aesthetics ”


The City has a current inventory of approximately 975 km (1,398,825 m 2 ) of sidewalk comprised primarily of concrete (95%) and asphalt (3%) with the balance being brick sidewalk or a multisurface sidewalk. The most recent condition rating for the sidewalks (2019) indicates that 59.54% are in excellent condition, 30.75% are in good condition, 8.96% are in fair condition and 0.75% are in poor condition.

Sidewalk repairs are initiated through several sources. The need for repair is identified through a submitted service request or our sidewalk inspection process. Necessary repairs typically occur when sidewalk panels are uplifted, cracked, and/or broken.