This matter was then brought back before Committee on November 16, 2020. Although we did not receive notice of the meeting as required given our attendance and registration as an interested party at the March 9, 2020 Committee Meeting, our clients did and so at their request we registered to speak to this matter as a delegate of November 16, 2020. We signed in for the meeting via Zoom just prior to 4:30 pm. After remaining on Zoom for almost 5 hours waiting for this matter to be called, we were dropped from the Zoom meeting. When we were able to re-connect to the Meeting (only about 10 minutes later), the Committee had already dealt with the matter without hearing from us. We immediately explained to the Committee what had happened and requested that we be permitted to make our submissions at that time. Unfortunately, the Committee refused to hear from us taking the position that it had already dealt with the matter and had moved on.

We are hopeful Council will understand our frustration with the decision of Committee not to hear from us and will, in the interests of procedural fairness, afford us the opportunity, on behalf of our clients, to make full submissions to the Committee and answer any questions its members may have. In the event Council is not prepared to refer this matter back to Committee, we would like the opportunity to make our submissions at the Council meeting. Below is a summary of why our clients ’ are opposed to the proposed closure of part of the alley as being recommended by administration and the Committee: