Outstanding Council Directives Tracking Log

Meeting Date

Motion/ Resolution

Report Number

CLT Member/ Executive Director



May 7, 2018


C 76/2018

Chief Financial Officer

...That all expenditures made under the exemption BE REPORTED to Council by the 2022 CAN-AM Police-Fire Games General Manager within a reasonable time following the conclusion of the Project.


May 7, 2018


ETPS 597

SCM 178/2018 &

S 59/2018

Manager, Parks Development

That the report of the Manager of Parks Development dated March 28, 2018 entitled “Response to CQ4-2016 Lighting at Riverfront Walkway Near Askin Boulevard” BE RECEIVED for information; and,

That a report be BROUGHT BACK as part of the 2021 budget deliberations relative to the matter so that council can debate the allocation of the Central Riverfront Park Improvement placeholder funds, including consideration of lighting the riverfront walkway.


May 7, 2018


C 77/2018

Chief Financial Officer

That Council PROVIDE Riverwest with the City’s copyright permission to use banners with the likeness of public artwork owned by the City on condition that Riverwest agrees that the banners contain an acknowledgement of the artists who produced the original artwork; and further,

That Council APPROVE the requested $5000 indemnity and that this BE CHARGED to the Budget Stabilization Reserve Fund (BSR) and that Administration BE DIRECTED to prepare a draft policy for Council’s consideration regarding banners (how they can be requested, all costs associated, etc.) outlining what would be expected.


June 4, 2018

CR333/2018 Clause VII

S 235/2017 & 75/2018


Chief Financial Officer

VII. That Administration REPORT BACK to City Council regarding the catalyst project designation under the Building/Property Tax Increment Grant Program.


July 23, 2018


APR2018 7.1.7

Manager of Policy, Gaming,

Licensing & By-Law


That the correspondence from the Chief Inspector of the Ontario Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals dated June 18, 2018 regarding “animals in vehicles by-law” BE RECEIVED; and further,

That Administration BE DIRECTED to prepare a report for Council’s consideration on this matter.