On Demand Service – TW

The use of On Demand Services was cited in the Transit Master Plan approved by City Council in 2019. On Demand Services have recently be adopted by other transit services and the way in which they have been implemented varies. Dillon Consulting was the author of the TW Service Delivery Review Study and Transit Master Plan which identified this opportunity. They are also industry leaders in how such a solution could be implemented. This project will review the areas which On Demand service would be ideal, as well as implementation options and development of an RFP. The project anticipates to improve service and potentially reduce costs.

Risk Analysis:

There is the potential risk that the EOI is not selected for funding or less funding than requested is awarded. If this is the case, a decision whether to move forward with this project and find alternative funding sources to support it and or a reduction in scope, will need to be made.

If the project is awarded funding beyond mid-March there is a risk that the timelines are too aggressive. This risk is mitigated in part by sole sourcing both projects and executing agreements upon confirmation of funding. The remaining risk is staff resources required to work with the consultant may be constrained and unavailable to commit the time. This will be monitored and managed internally to address completing priorities.

There is a risk the resulting recommendations will require additional funding to implement. Should this be the case the report to City Council will outline these cost for consideration in the capital and or operational budget developments for 2022.

Climate Change Risks

Climate Change Mitigation:


Climate Change Adaptation:

The On Demand study may recommend more efficient means of providing transit service on some routes. This in turn may reduce GHG emissions, which will be considered as part of the study reported to City Council.

Financial Matters:

The Audit and Accountability Fund covers 100% of the cost of eligible costs, which includes the costs associated with a third-party consultant. The estimated eligible costs for the DC project is $104,000 and the On Demand study is $46,000. These costs reflect the total cost of the third-party consultant including non recoverable HST. While Administration will be required to provide input to the consultants no internal labour or