Outstanding Council Directives Tracking Log

Meeting Date

Motion/ Resolution

Report Number

CLT Member/ Executive Director



May 6, 2019


C 78/2019

Community Development and Health Services

Commissioner – Corporate

Leader Social Development and Health

That the report from the Commissioner of Community Development and

Health Services and the Administrator/Executive Director of Huron Lodge

Long-Term Care Home BE RECEIVED for information; and further…

That the Chief Administrative Officer and City Clerk BE AUTHORIZED to execute any documents required to establish and participate in the Ontario Health Team, such that any funding does not create an additional annualized cost without the prior approval of City Council, and subject to legal approval by the City Solicitor, financial approval by the City Treasurer, and technical approval by the Community Development and Health Commissioner and Executive Director of Huron Lodge; and further,

That Administration BE DIRECTED to provide appropriate reports to City

Council as the Ontario Health Team is established in Windsor and Essex



May 6, 2019


C 72/2019

Deputy License


Manager of Policy, Gaming,

Licensing and By-Law


I. That Council Report No. C72/2019 responding to CQ19-2017 regarding licensing and zoning for short term rental accommodations BE RECEIVED FOR INFORMATION ; and, ...

III. That Administration BE DIRECTED to report back on a licensing regime that would include the legal right to annually inspect Airbnb’s without the expressed consent of the homeowner, as a condition of purchasing the license.


June 3, 2019


C 69/2019 & C 121/2019

City Treasurer

That Administration BE DIRECTED to draft guidelines for the business improvement associations (BIA’s), that would outline in a clear way the reports that Council expects to receive at year-end with respect to annual expenditures, and that these guidelines be drafted IN CONSULTATION with all the BIA’s across the city of Windsor as well as the WBIAC advisory committee; and,

That Administration UNDERTAKE a review of other BIA’s and best practices across Ontario; and further,

That Administration BE DIRECTED to develop for Council’s consideration and approval, a more robust budget template for all BIA’s so that Council has a clear understanding of BIA budgets and expenditures that are in a more transparent manner.