City Council
Monday, November 23, 2020


Moved by: Councillor McKenzie

Seconded by: Councillor Morrison

That the By-law No. 130-2019 and By-laws No. 153 through 156-2020 having been read a first and second time be now read a third time and finally passed and That the Mayor and Clerk BE AUTHORIZED to sign and seal the same notwithstanding any contrary provision of the Council. Carried.


Moved by: Councillor Sleiman
Seconded by: Councillor Bortolin

Decision Number: CR591/2020

That the petition presented by Councillor Kaschak regarding a complaint about the growth of cannabis for personal and medical use BE RECEIVED by the Clerk and the Clerk BE DIRECTED to forward the petition to the City Solicitor for the purpose of an examination of the requested works or undertakings; and further,

That the following Council Question by Councillor Kaschak BE APPROVED , and that Administration BE DIRECTED to proceed with the necessary actions to respond to the Council Question in the form of a written report, consistent with Council’s instructions, and in accordance with Section 17.1 of the Procedure By-law 98-2011:

Assigned to the City Solicitor

Asks that Administration and Legal staff to prepare a report and enact a by-law in regards to odour nuisance. This specifically derives from a burgeoning community problem where substantial odours permeate through neighbourhoods when residents have been granted licenses from Health Canada to grow medical marijuana amounts along with personal amounts of marijuana. This now entitles up to 23 full size plants can be grown in yards that produce a pungent smell that affects many nearby residents quality of life. Working with the Federal Government who issue the licenses & potentially the provincial Ministry of the Environment will mean a cross jurisdiction by-law, but meaningful consultation with our counterparts as well in the County who have recently enacted or are working on similar by-laws to protect residents from odours of this kind will take place to ensure best practices.

Clerk’s File: ACO/13690