The actual method of repair undertaken and scheduling will be determined by Maintenance Division management staff upon their review of the site.

In addition, the overall condition rating assigned to the sidewalk segment during the sidewalk inspection process is used to report sidewalk needs for use in short and long term rehabilitation (i.e. reconstruction) and budget planning.

The following Sections provide general information on some of the repair methods used by Maintenance Division.

8.1 Mudjacking (Currently not being used)

Mudjacking is a method of repair for uplifted concrete panels. Small holes are drilled into the concrete. These holes are used to pump topsoil, and clay or grout below the slab. This lifts the lower slab to the height of the higher slab, creating a flush surface. The holes are then filled with concrete. This method is suggested when an uplift occurs between two slabs in good condition. The figures below (Figures 8.1a & 8.1b) show before and after pictures of sidewalks repaired by mudjacking.

8.2   Grinding or Saw Cutting

Grinding and saw cutting are other methods of repairing uplifted concrete sidewalks. The edge of the uplift is simply grinded down or cut diagonally, forming a small ramp, and eliminating the trip hazard. These methods can be used to flatten up to 20mm of lift. One problem with this method is that these repairs are not as pleasing to the eye as mudjacking repairs (see Figure 8.2).