Board was also required to submit their meeting minutes and operating budget to the Transit Board for information. Since the 2015 restructuring of Transit Windsor, the Transit Windsor Board of Director’s duties have been assumed by the Environment, Transportation and Public Safety Standing Committee without the inclusion of interaction with the Handi-Transit Board of Directors. These and other housekeeping clauses will be updated in the new agreement. Through this formal agreement, Handi-Transit would continue to maintain its contractor type relationship with Transit Windsor and the City.

Transit Windsor would remain responsible for the administration and for monitoring on-going compliance with the provisions of the agreement. Since the 2015 and 2018 restructurings of Transit Windsor, amendments in the agreement are required to be updated to recognize organizational structures and liaison between Transit Windsor and Handi-Transit, reporting measures to City Council, financial considerations and shared services sections within the agreement.

The previous agreement was for a term of five (5) years. Administration prefers a three (3) year term moving forward. By moving to a shorter term, the service delivered can be evaluated and adjusted as necessary on a regular basis.

Risk Analysis:

Handi-Transit has provided the residents of Windsor with specialized transit services for many years. Administration is very pleased with the service that Handi-Transit is providing to residents in our community. Moving to a shorter-term agreement (three-year term) mitigates any risk that may arise regarding the quality of the provision of service, implementing desired changes to service standards and/or addressing specialized transit trends in the industry.

Climate Change Risks

Climate Change Mitigation:


Climate Change Adaptation:

Financial Matters:

Prior to the 2015 restructuring of Transit Windsor, Handi-Transit presented their budget to the Transit Windsor Board of Directors. Since the Board is now structured through the Environment Transportation and Public Safety Standing Committee, there is no longer a Handi-Transit representative on the Board and less interaction between the two Boards. Currently, the Handi-Transit budget is submitted through the Agencies, Boards and Commissions annual budget submission process. The City of Windsor provides required funding for both operating and capital, based on that submission.