Fig. 3.6i: Pork Chop @ Midblock Where There is a Turnaround Loop

( Google Maps - ©2013 Google)

3.7   Finishing the Inspection

Once you have finished all relevant portions of the inspection sheet, a condition rating must be applied to the sidewalk section. Table 3.1 below shows the general rules, which should be used as a guide. Keep in mind that an excellent rating is typical of newly constructed sidewalks and a poor rating would suggest the need for the sidewalk to be replaced completely.

Table 3.1: Sidewalk Condition Ratings

Condition Rating % Deficient
GOOD 11 - 25%
FAIR 26 - 45%
POOR 46 – 100%


The most recently assigned condition rating will be included in your inspection package. This rating should not influence the rating that you assign for the sidewalk. Over time, typically deficiencies get worse and so does the rating. That is to be expected. If however, you are assigning a rating that is BETTER than the previous rating, it is very important that you explain why that is. If you can see asphalt, MG-Krete patches, grinding, or reconstruction on all or part of the sidewalk that looks very new, or the small discoloured circles left after mud-jackers have filled their insertion holes, write those comments on the inspection sheet and site those as reasons that the sidewalk has improved in condition. If you can see no evidence of any repair work, be very hesitant about assigning a better rating to the sidewalk. If you absolutely feel that the condition rating is not accurate then state that in the comments and someone in IMS will visit the segment or review previous inspection records, and make a final decision.