Sidewalk repairs may also be initiated as part of utility works (through Municipal Access Agreements (MAAs)), enhanced streetscape capital projects for the Business Improvement Area (BIA), or the Sidewalk capital replacement project.

Repairs are completed based on the following practices and procedures.

Sidewalk repairs identified by a service request or through the sidewalk inspection process are distributed to the Public Works Maintenance Division to review the condition of the sidewalk and determine remedial action. Any uplift of a sidewalk panel greater than 25 mm is painted and scheduled for remedial action. Remedial action repairs can consist of several methods including concrete patching, asphalt patching, grinding, or removal and replacement of the sidewalk panel.

The annual sidewalk inspection program is conducted by Public Works – Technical Support during the summer months to identify sidewalks in need of repairs. The sidewalk inspections are completed on a four year cycle. All urgent sidewalk repairs are distributed to Public Works – Maintenance for immediate repair. Additionally, a report is generated that outlines all remaining priority sidewalk repairs (See Appendix A – Guide to Sidewalk Inspection Process). When the annual inspection program indicates that a sidewalk is beyond repair or repair is not feasible then the sidewalk is placed on the Sidewalk Capital replacement project.

Sidewalks that are damaged or removed through utility works (through MAAs) are replaced after the completion of the utility work and in accordance with the City of Windsor standard specifications (see Appendix B for S-29 Utility Cut Restoration). All utility works require a permit for work to take place in the City’s right of way (ROW).

Prior to the permits being placed into final acceptance and until a final repair is completed, the utility company is responsible for maintaining the sidewalk in a safe and passable condition through the placement of temporary restoration such as asphalt or cold patch. Once a permit is placed into final acceptance, Public Works - Maintenance will schedule to undertake the repairs of the sidewalks (and other City infrastructure) and invoice the corresponding utility for the work.

Consideration will be given for safety concerns and be maintained with temporary restorations until permanent repair can be undertaken as per above. Currently we do not have dedicated funding to provide sidewalks in the BIA’s to match local aesthetics in an expedited manner.

Sidewalk replacement or streetscapes in the various BIA’s that require special design in order to match local aesthetics, and in some cases heritage designation, are implemented by the Planning Department. The City of Windsor has a long history of implementing enhanced streetscaping projects in the various BIA’s, dating back to the Ouellette Avenue Pedestrian Mall in the 1970’s. Typically, these projects include some new or additional decorative urban street furnishings generally consisting of benches, picnics tables, bike racks, bollards, removable planters and trash/recycle bins. Some of these projects also include alterations to the existing road cross-section and curb locations to facilitate pedestrian safety and alternative modes of transportation, including elements like bump outs for pedestrian safety, bike lanes, dedicated transit bays, parking lay-bys and pedestrian crossings. Other enhancements include built-in planters, street trees and other vegetation, structural soil cell systems, gateway and