Call to Order
The Chair called the meeting to order at 4:04 PM.
Roll Call of Board Members Present
Marc Bondy - Yes
Fabio Costante - Yes
Aldo DiCarlo - Yes
Gary Kaschak - Yes
Hilda MacDonald - Yes
Kieran McKenzie - Yes
Gary McNamara – Yes (4:08 PM)
Jim Morrison - Yes
Ed Sleiman – Yes
The Chair asked if there were others on the call. Kristylee Varley from AM800 stated she was on the call.
Declaration of Pecuniary Interest
The Chair called for any declarations of pecuniary interest and none were noted. He further expressed that should a conflict of a pecuniary nature or other arise at any time during the course of the meeting that it would be noted at that time.
Approval of the Minutes
A. September 15, 2020 Regular Meeting Minutes
Moved by Marc Bondy
Seconded by Hilda MacDonaldTHAT the minutes from the Essex-Windsor Solid Waste Authority Regular Meeting, dated September 15, 2020 be approved and adopted.
Carried Unanimously -
Business Arising from the Minutes
No items were raised for discussion.