Item No. 8.2

Council Report: S 158/2020

Subject: Administrative Report under the Delegation of Authority – 4369, 4375, 4381, 4387 and 4393 Spago Crescent – Fence and Shed Encroachments, Ward 9


Date to Council: November 25, 2020
Author: Mark Schaffhauser
Technologist I
519-255-6257 ext. 6555
Projects & Right-of-Way
Report Date: November 6, 2020
Clerk’s File #: SAA2020

To: Mayor and Members of City Council


That the request by the owners of the properties at 4369, 4375, 4381, 4387 and 4393 Spago Crescent, identified on PLAN 12M434 LOTS 43-39 ; to permit fence and shed encroachments into the Sixth Concession Road right-of-way, as shown on attached Drawing C-3591, BE DENIED.


An application was received from the owner of 4369 Spago Crescent requesting permission to encroach into the Sixth Concession Road right-of-way with a fence and shed located as outlined on C-3591.

The Encroachment application stems from an application that the Building Department received for the installation of a pool in the rear of property 4369 Spago Crescent. Upon review of setbacks for the pool application it was noted that the fence at the rear of this property was encroaching into the Sixth Concession Road right-of-way. An Administrative Inspector attended 4369 Spago Crescent to complete a site inspection and noted additional encroachments at 4375, 4381, 4387 and 4393 Spago Crescent.


The five (5) Spago Crescent encroachments are within the Sixth Concession Road right-of-way and within the 5th Concession Municipal Drain maintenance buffer area. The fence encroachments will affect future maintenance of the drain.

The Drainage Superintendent provided comments in an email to the Right-of-Way Division dated October 26th, 2020, stating they “will need the land for maintenance of