study in Canada, or do courses on-line, or if they want to be able to apply for a work permit after the completion of their academic work, they have to have 50 per cent residency in Canada while they are completing their course. So for 50 per cent of the time that they are taking courses in their program, they need to be in Canada.

A. Richardson asks for an update relating to off-campus student issues, i.e student housing.

M. Silvaggi responds that the construction of the new residence for international students is underway which will house over 500 students on a semester basis (dependent on the COVID situation) in September 2021. He adds that no concerns related to housing has been received from the students.

R. Flannagan adds that due to the limited influx of students, there are many vacancies around the University of Windsor. He notes there have been no issues with students finding a place to live around the university.

In response to a question asked by J. Fairley regarding the residences at St. Clair College and how they changed due to COVID, M. Silvaggi responds the capacity was cut in half for students living on campus, i.e. the existing residence houses 416 students and was cut to 200 students living on campus. Due to this change in programming, many students from different regions in Ontario are studying at home.

R. Flannagan adds they have a very small number of residents in their buildings and strong messaging was put out to the students regarding large gatherings and a reminder to be in compliance with the directives provided by the Ontario government.

Moved by Councillor Francis, seconded by J. Fairley,

That the verbal updates provided by M. Silvaggi, St. Clair College and R. Flannagan, University of Windsor regarding COVID-19 and student housing BE RECEIVED.


4.2 Student Awareness and Housing Rights as Tenants

The Chair states that student awareness and housing rights as tenants somewhat stems from the committee’s last pre-COVID meeting. At that meeting, a discussion took place regarding educating students during orientation week and on a regular basis. He asks if there has been any progress on that front with respect to regular updates to students and education on their rights as tenants in Ontario.