Moved by Marc Bondy
Seconded by Gary McNamara

THAT the Board receive the Blue Box Draft Regulation Re: Transition to Producers report as information.

Carried Unanimously

B. Waste Reduction Week – October 19-25

The Manager of Waste Diversion stated that the report is provide information to the Board regarding upcoming Waste Reduction Week activities scheduled in October. She stated that the Authority has scaled back on events but the digital promotion will be enhanced, for example, through the Recycle Coach app and social media.

The Manager of Waste Diversion stated that due to the cancellation of the Truckload Sale in May due to COVID, the Authority will hold a small sale event at the Windsor Public Drop Off. In order to follow safety protocols, the public will have to register for the event and advise what items they want to purchase. They will be given a scheduled appointment time to pick up their items. She stated the goal is to provide a safe environment for staff and the public. She also noted that staff will be on-site at this event to answer any questions.

Mr. Kaschak commented that he has seen a lot of residents have the larger recycling carts. He asked if the recycling carts will be sold at the sale.

The Manager of Waste Diversion stated that they will not be sold at the event as the sale will be more focused on selling products for organics, for example composters and green digesters along with rain barrels.

Mr. DiCarlo stated that rain barrels were brought up at the last Amherstburg Council meeting. He asked if there could be sale on rain barrels closer to County residents.

The Manager of Waste Diversion stated that the rain barrels are purchased through the City of Windsor. She noted that the Authority is trying to be more spread out around the County and will look to have a similar sale event at a County location. She also stated that maybe Home Hardware can sell them as they sell other EWSWA products.

Moved by Kieran McKenzie

Seconded by Aldo DiCarlo

THAT the Board receive the Waste Reduction Week report as information.

Carried Unanimously