change objectives. Mr. McKenzie also added to the Warden’s point that this is a fundamental building block for the region.

Mr. McKenzie stated that there are environmental benefits and understands that there will be significant costs to bring this kind of program forward. He stated that the General Manager stated that approximately 33% of household waste is food waste and understands that it does not occupy much space in the landfill. Mr. McKenzie asked the General Manager if it still stands to reason that if we were to move forward with a food waste program that will extend the life of our existing landfill. Mr. McKenzie asked the General Manager if this is correct.

The General Manager replied that this is correct.

Mr. McKenzie stated that there will be cost savings to be had but not enough to offset the cost of establishing this program but advantages of the environmental benefits.

Mr. McKenzie asked if he was also correct to say that part of the Waste Management Master Plan is that organics is a fundamental aspect or a program that we are committed to in implementing at some point.

The General Manager replied yes.

Mr. McKenzie asked if that predates the provincial mandate.

The General Manager replied yes but it was qualified as to when it is “economically feasible” and so that’s why it has not been implemented to date because it has not been economically feasible. The General Manager stated that since the issuance of the Policy Statement in 2018, by the Ministry and the Province, that this has now been rendered moot in any event.

Mr. McKenzie asked would it be fair to say when looking at a tipping fees comparison that the County and the City are nearly the same? Would it be fair to suggest the amount of organic waste generated by the County as well as the City is roughly the same?

The General Manager referred to a chart of municipal refuse to landfill and stated yes that it is about the same.

Mr. McKenzie asked if it would stand to reason that organic waste would follow the same ratio.

The General Manager stated that he did not know and he would not be able to answer this with certainty.

Mrs. MacDonald stated that AMO has a task force to look at waste management and waste diversion. She has been asked to be the Chair of that task force. She noted that she hopes it will be an advantage for all - AMO and the Authority.