The Manager of Finance stated that leachate hauling expenditures are higher than budgeted.

The Manager of Finance stated that there was an estimated $422,000 favourable variance for the period of January to June 2020 compared to budget and a full 2020 projection will be presented as part of the 2021 budget deliberation.

Mr. McNamara asked if there were any anticipated changes to volumes being delivered as more business are back to work.

The Manager of the Finance stated that for recycling operations the Authority is still receiving strong OCC pricing. She noted that what was concerning is that plastic prices have fallen below budgeted figures. She also noted that some tonnage figures are down. The Authority has had some trouble selling some products due to over saturated paper markets. She also stated that the Authority is not seeing any significant unfavourable variances in regards to landfill operations.

Moved by Ed Sleiman

Seconded by Hilda MacDonald

THAT the Board receive the January to June 2020 – Six Month Operations Financial Review report as information.

Carried Unanimously

B. Legal Invoices

The General Manager stated that it is standard that the Authority bring forward legal invoices to the Board for approval. The cost of the first invoice is higher than normal as the Authority lawyer reviewed legal documents and the RFP document pertaining to Recycling Processing and Repairs and Maintenance.

Moved by Gary McNamara

Seconded by Ed Sleiman

THAT the Board authorize the payment of the legal accounts as summarized.

Carried Unanimously

9. Waste Diversion

A. Blue Box Draft Regulation Re: Transition to Producers

The General Manager referred to page 12 of the agenda package. The purpose of the report is to provide an update related to where the Province is in regards to the Blue Box Regulation. He noted that attached to the report is an email from the Environment Minister giving thanks to those that participated in all meetings from mid-December