off-campus party and knocking on that door. In the event that there are multiple parties at a residence, and the efforts of Bylaw Enforcement and Police are not having the desired effect, the university is open to working with their partners and neighbours to have that conversation with the residents in that home.

Moved by J. Fairley,
seconded by Councillor Francis,

That the updates provided by M. Silvaggi, St. Clair College and R. Flannagan, University of Windsor regarding “Student Awareness and Housing Rights as tenants” BE RECEIVED.

4.3 Town & Gown Symposium – Building Bridges 2019

J. Fairley commends A. Richardson for his well written report on the Town and Gown Symposium held from June 3-6, 2019.

Moved by J. Fairley,
seconded by J. Boyd,

That the report provided by A. Richardson regarding the Town & Gown Symposium – Building Bridges 2019 held from June 3-6, 2019 BE RECEIVED.

A. Richardson refers to the recommended actions for the Town and Gown Committee noted in Enclosure 2 and he asks how those recommendations become action items.

The Chair responds that procedurally direction would be provided by the Committee and if approved, would proceed to the Environment, Transportation & Public Safety Standing Committee and City Council.

Moved by A. Richardson, seconded by J. Boyd,

That the recommendations in Enclosure 2 appended to the Town & Gown Symposium – Building Bridges 2019 report by A. Richardson BE CONSIDERED at a future meeting of the Committee.

4.4 Town & Gown 2019 Annual Report

The Chair states that the Environment, Transportation & Public Safety Standing Committee directed that the Committee look into a different process of submitting annual reports, i.e. for the Committee to review prior to being sent to the respective standing committee.

A. Richardson expresses concern that the Committee was not afforded the opportunity to review the annual report and to provide input. He suggests that at each