Sometimes the sidewalk portion of the right of way is not obvious. This is common in BIA’s where the entire portion from the building edge to the curb (or filler) is concrete or brick (See Figures 3.2e & f). In these cases, we typically record deficiencies on the entire portion since citizens are likely to use the entire area. However, in some cases the inspections will not be performed on the entire area of sidewalk from building edge to curb (or filler).

In these areas, the sidewalk will be defined by a control joint or another width of sidewalk present within the segment which is typically the width of sidewalk given in Hansen on the structural Tab. For this situation, the area within the width of the control joint to the curb (or filler), or predefined width of sidewalk (from Hansen) is to be inspected (see Fig. 3.2g). Obstructions will need to be noted where they do not allow for a wheelchair to pass by without entering the roadway, or where they cause trip hazards to pedestrians. Trip hazards in these areas may occur at planter boxes, uneven pavers, benches, light posts, parking meters, etc... These will be recorded on the inspection sheet in the same manner as any other uplift (based on depth, see sections 3.5 & 4.5).

Another likely scenario that is encountered in these areas (typically BIA’s) is where a patio is present on the sidewalk. Being that these patios typically aren’t permanent fixtures and just a fenced/blocked off section of sidewalk, the sidewalk portion within the patio will need to be inspected. Deficiencies noted within these areas will be recorded just like any other deficiency.

Although, a note will be added next to the deficiency that states it was within a patio area (refer to Fig. 3.2h). The best time to perform an inspection on sidewalks with patios present would likely be earlier in the morning. The reason for this is because the business is likely not open yet, and there is less of a chance for the patio furniture to be set up and patrons to be present.

Fig. 3.2e: Some Examples of Sidewalks in BIAs ( )

Fig. 3.2f: Some Examples of Sidewalks in BIAs ( Google Maps - ©2013 Google)