Care shall be taken during excavation to limit damage to surrounding surfaces not to be removed and so that the adjacent pavements and/or services are not undermined. Shoring, bracing and sheeting shall be used where required to prevent undermining and for the protection of adjacent services.

All excavated / excess materials shall be removed from the site by the Contractor, prior to leaving the site.


Bedding and cover shall be to the satisfaction of the respective Utility Company for their infrastructure.

Within the zone of influence, unshrinkable fill (City Specification S-24) shall be required as backfill to the highest elevation of:

Unshrinkable fill shall be allowed a minimum of 24 hours curing time prior to the placement of surface materials. Plating shall be used where required to accommodate traffic during the curing period.

Compacted Granular „A‟ may be approved as backfill if it is placed in lifts not exceeding 300mm thick; is compacted to 100% Max.SPD by approved mechanical means; and the compaction level is verified through a written report completed by a Geotechnical Engineer for every utility cut.

Native backfill may be approved for areas outside of the zone of influence and must be properly placed and compacted to City specifications.


Temporary hard surface restoration shall be either hot mix asphalt (HL-3) or cold mix asphalt, properly compacted to a minimum thickness of 50mm. The edges of the existing hard surface shall be tack coated to ensure adherence of the temporary asphalt.

In either case, the Contractor shall be responsible to maintain the temporary restoration until such time as the permanent restoration is completed.