inspection sheet if they are not already pre-populated from the Hansen Database:

3.5   Recording Observations

You are now ready to start the inspection. Place the measuring wheel at the edge of the wheelchair ramp (where it joins to the curb or street) and reset the dial. Walk the sidewalk noting all deficiencies and any additional comments, along with their distance from the beginning of the sidewalk and the address associated with each on the inspection sheet. The address is required only if urgent uplifts, severe drainage issues or high severity asphalt deficiencies are observed. If the deficiency is perpendicular to your walking direction (this is usually the case for uplifts and transverse cracks), only one distance has to be recorded. If the deficiency is parallel to your walking direction (this is usually the case for longitudinal, diagonal, edge and alligator cracking, as well as potholes), you must record the starting distance and the ending distance to reflect the length of the deficiency.

During concrete sidewalk inspections, a count of cracks (that have not uplifted), minor uplifts and major uplifts will be kept and the total numbers will be recorded for that segment. However, if the sidewalk is severely cracked or has many cracks in a concentrated area, this area is to be noted, cracks are still to be counted and suggested for repair or replacement. In this situation, the suggested repair for this area can be recorded in the comments section on the back of the inspection sheet along with the distance at which it is present. Furthermore, if the sidewalk panel has displaced at a crack, it is to be recorded as uplift and is not to be included in the crack count.