E. Valvasori indicates there are two issues; the first being parking at bike events which could be deferred at this time as there are no precedents. The second relates to new employers and the requirement for showers which could be addressed at this time.

K. Acton states in terms of “land use” as referenced in the ATMP “to require end of trip facilities such as showers and clothing lockers in new developments based on land use” , he states it is important to note that land use which is basically the buildings and the occupancies that you can put on that land varies drastically. For example, if something is zoned commercial land use, there can be multiple types of businesses on it. If you look at the Ontario Building Code, there are classifications of buildings, and if you were to segregate those, you will alienate a lot of individuals and would create hardships for them. There will be challenges on how this is implemented which will be felt by the community.

The Chair advises that if a building has more than 9 parking spaces, you have to provide bike parking. He adds the direction to provide showers and secure bicycle parking facilities is highlighted in the ATMP as a priority and aligns with the City of Windsor objective to improve and promote cycling across the community.

Moved by J. Macasaet-Bondy, seconded by K. Acton,

That a Bike Parking Policy Subcommittee BE ESTABLISHED for the purpose of developing language for a Bicycle Parking Policy to recommend to the Transportation Planning Department.


4,4 Outreach Campaign Trails and Maps

The Chair suggests the promotion of cycling infrastructure through videos that feature members of the WBC. He adds the 2020 WBC operating budget is $5,250.

The Chair suggests that a terms of reference or an RFP be discussed at the next meeting.

K. Morse volunteers to assist in the outreach campaign.

4.5 Fireworks

The Chair reports the fireworks will proceed, however the public is not encouraged to come down to the riverfront due to COVID-19. The public is encouraged to watch from home.

The Chair adds that bike parking for the fireworks will not be provided.