5. Approval of the Minutes

A. July 7, 2020 Regular Meeting Minutes

Moved by Gary McNamara

Seconded by Kieran McKenzie

THAT the minutes from the Essex-Windsor Solid Waste Authority Regular Meeting, dated July 7, 2020, be approved and adopted.

Carried Unanimously

6. Business Arising from the Minutes – No items

No items were raised for discussion.

The General Manager noted that there have been no cases of Covid at any of the Authority locations. He was pleased to report that all employees have been healthy.

7. Correspondence – No items

There were no correspondence items for consideration.

8. Delegations – No items

There were no delegations present.

9. Finance and Administration – No items

There were no items for discussion

10. Waste Disposal – No items

There were no items for discussion.

11. Waste Diversion

The Chair stated that a motion is required to proceed with the action recommended in the In-Camera report and to direct the Chair and General Manager to proceed with the actions required pertaining to the Waste Diversion matter. Further, a motion is needed to receive as Information the Waste Diversion information item referenced in the In-Camera report.

Moved by Ed Sleiman

Seconded by Gary McNamara

THAT the Board proceed with the action recommended in the In-camera report and to direct the Chair and General Manager to proceed with the actions required pertaining to the Waste Diversion matter Page 3 of 5 Regular Board Meeting MINUTES Page 23 of 41