Environment, Transportation & Public Safety Standing Committee
Wednesday, September 23, 2020

on and work with Mr. Cragg for the next couple of months. Mr. Winterton provides some details related to Mr. Cragg’s background , indicating he came from London Transit and he has an extensive background in transit and other logistic work. Mr. Winterton adds that following a nationwide thorough and exhaustive search, they are quite pleased to have Mr. Cragg on board. Mr. Cragg thanks the Environment, Transportation & Public Safety Standing Committee members for this opportunity to be here and adds that he is very happy to be back in the City of Windsor. He began his career in Windsor 25 years ago, graduated from the University of Windsor and is excited for this opportunity as there are great things going on in the transit industry.

Councillor McKenzie provides comment on behalf of the Transit Windsor Advisory Committee, which he Chairs, that he is looking forward to working with Mr. Cragg to improve the already excellent record with respect to transit in the City of Windsor.

Councillor Kaschak states as a proponent of transit, he is looking forward to working with Mr. Cragg to improve things throughout the city and certainly in his Ward.

The Chair welcomes Mr. Cragg and adds he has “big shoes to fill” and notes there has not been a more exciting time to be a part of Transit Windsor in terms of what has been accomplished and everything yet to come.

9.1. Transit Windsor - Non Union Salary Market Review-City Wide

Colette Annetts, Consultant Annetts & Associates (available for questions)

Colette Annetts, Consultant Annetts & Associates, appears before the Environment, Transportation and Public Safety Standing Committee via video conference regarding the administrative report, “Transit Windsor - Non Union Salary Market Review- City Wide” and is available for questions.

Councillor McKenzie questions why retroactive pay is being recommended back to 2017. Vincenza Mihalo, Executive Director Human Resources, appears before the Environment, Transportation and Public Safety Standing Committee via video conference regarding the administrative report “Transit Windsor - Non Union Salary Market Review – City Wide” and indicates that salary market surveys are undertaken every two years, the last survey done was for 2017/2018 and the next will be done for 2019/2020. In 2021, they will be conducting another salary market review for Transit as they would for non-union salaried employees for the previous two years.

Councillor McKenzie states in the previous periods, it showed a small increase in the wages that needed to be retroactively handled in comparison to the 2017/2018 time period. He adds that the comparators for 2017/2018 were changed in 2018. C. Annetts indicates that they had the same findings but were uncertain of the reliability of the data that was received in 2015/2016 so they were hesitant to act on the 2015/2016 findings. Ms. Annetts adds they wanted to ensure that they had appropriate solid research, but there was a trend beginning in 2015/2016 of the same percentile rankings that were found in 2017/2018.