3. Adoption of the Minutes

Moved by J. Macasaet-Bondy, seconded by E. van Wageningen,

That the minutes of the Windsor Bicycling Committee of its meeting held January 14, 2020 BE ADOPTED as presented.


4. Business Items

4.1 Active Transportation Master Plan Update

J. Hagan reviews the memorandum dated July 20, 2020 entitled “Mid -year Update: 2020 Cycling Initiatives”. He advises this memorandum summarizes the cycling policy and infrastructure initiatives that are currently underway or have been completed in 2020.

In terms of the Cycling Policies, J. Hagan provides the following comments:

E. Valvasori remarks that there are pathways in the ANSI (area of natural and scientific interest) that require the addition of dirt as there are muddy conditions. J. Hagan responds that this is a maintenance issue typically addressed by parks. He notes his role is to define where the new trails will be constructed.

In response to a question asked by E. Valvasori regarding potholes, the Chair recommends concerns be emailed to the 311 Call Centre. J. Hagan suggests taking a photo to pinpoint the exact location of the pothole(s).