Environment, Transportation & Public Safety Standing Committee
Wednesday, September 23, 2020


See Item 9.1.


None presented.


8.1. In Response to Council Question CQ12-2020 Regarding Net Zero Neighbourhood Plan for Sandwich South Development Area

Question CQ12-2020 Regarding Net Zero Neighbourhood Plan for Sandwich South Development Area” and indicates both plans should work in consultation with each other. Ms. Richters adds that she is not certain how this sustainable action plan would unfold, but if there are opportunities for District Energy, there would be infrastructure requirements within the public right-of-way. Ms. Richters indicates that they are also hoping to address some of the climate resiliency aspects as well which may benefit from that collaboration.

Councillor McKenzie indicates that this was a Council Question that came forward as a result of the recommendations that were embedded in the Climate Change Action Plan that was tabled several months ago. Ms. Richters indicates that this was one of the primary mitigation options as outlined in the acceleration of the climate emergency report.

Moved by: Councillor McKenzie

Seconded by: Councillor Kaschak

Decision Number: ETPS 785

  1. THAT the report of the Community Energy Plan Administrator dated September 1st, 2020 entitled “In Response to Council Question CQ12-2020 Regarding Net Zero Neighbourhood Plan for Sandwich South Development Area” BE RECEIVED for information.

  2. THAT City Council APPROVE Administration to submit an application to FCM’s Green Municipal Fund for grant funding (“the Grant”) to complete a Sustainable Neighbourhood Action Plan, along with the following recommendations: