General Findings: 2017-2018 Salary Survey

Our overall finding is that Transit Windsor’s salaries continue to lag significantly in the market with the 2017 average percentile ranking at 31.5% and the 2018 average percentile ranking at 44%. A number of factors have played a role in the results of the survey. Windsor lagged slightly in annual salary increases in 2017 and 2018 by .2% and .87% respectively. In addition, various organizations had spot adjustments for individual positions varying from 2.8% (norm of 1.3%) to 14.2%. Examples of increases were a 10% increase for the Executive Director, Hamilton (2016-2017); a 14.2% increase for a Transit Scheduler in Durham, a 12.5% increase for a Fleet Coordinator in Sudbury and an 8.3% increase for a Operations Supervisor in Waterloo. Overall, there were 6 extraordinary increases between 2016-2017 with no extraordinary increases in 2017-2018. Additional small increases of approximately 1% above the identified increases were seen 4 times in various transit groups in both years.

Chart 1 on page 7 shows that the biggest issue between the market and Transit Windsor’s internal salary structure can be found in Bands 9, 11 and 12. Moving Transit Windsor to a 50-percentile average will not solve the median market deficit in Bands 9, 11 or 12. Only one positions moves to a 50% or above median position with the recommended salary increases. The issue is in the salary structure build which requires a greater discussion than the scope of this study.

In 2017, 15% (2/13) of Transit Windsor’s salaries surveyed are above the median. In 2018, 29% (4/14) were above the median. Table 2 & 3, Column 3 (pages 8 & 9) provides a more detailed picture of the median survey data. In 2018, half the positions above the median are within 5% of the median in real dollar value. (Column 10, page 9)

In 2017, 77% (10/13) of Transit Windsor’s salaries surveyed are below the median. In 2018, 64%, (9/14) were below the median. Table 2 & 3, Column 3 (pages 8 & 9) shows median survey data. In 2018, 5/9 of the positions below the median are within 5% of the median in real dollar value. (Column 10, page 9)

8% (1/13) positions are at the median or 50th percentile. In 2018, 7% (1/14) were at the median or 50th percentile. Table 2 & 3, Column 3 (pages 8 & 9) shows median survey data.