loss of historical knowledge without a job shadowing component could be detrimental to providing our customers with appropriate public transit services. This increase also fulfills the previous recommended approvals by both the Transit Standing Committee and City Council, to maintain wages for the Non Union Transit employees at no less than 50 percentile of the comparator groups.

Consultant Recommendation #2: Consider reviewing the build of the current Transit Windsor Salary structure to create a better balance in Bands 9, 11 and 12 for the market salary survey. For this review all positions in Band 9, 11 and 12 are below the median. With the application of the 5.4% salary increase only one position moves to the 50th percentile or above, the other remaining positions remain below the 50th percentile, with 1-6% below the median in real salary dollars. This would indicate the percentile ranking issues will not be fixed with the across the board increase and is more structural in nature.

Administrative Comments: Administration will continue to monitor the salary structure to ensure there is an appropriate balance between the salary bands, specific to Band 9, 11 and 12. Administration is not recommending changes to be made to the current salary band differential at this time to allow for a more thorough review and trend analysis to be conducted.

Risk Analysis:

Administration is in support of the recommended salary adjustment of 5.4% for 2017 to ensure the average salary increase aligns at the 50th percentile with the comparator municipalities. Should the recommended increase not be implemented, there is a risk that Transit Windsor salaries would not remain competitive relative to the market average. Maintaining a competitive salary and total compensation package will assist the Corporation with recruitment and retention. Not applying the increase to align to the 50th percentile at this time would further erode the comparator salary for the NU Transit employees.

Administration supports the Consultant’s second recommendation and will consider reviewing and monitoring the above-noted salary bands for appropriate balances.

Financial Matters:

In order to align with Transit Windsor’s negotiated increase dates, the salary market review increase for 2017 is effective April 1, 2017. As such, the 2017 salary schedules and all subsequent salary schedules have been adjusted to reflect the salary market review recommended increase of 5.4% effective April 1, 2017 inclusive of the approved negotiated increases. The estimated retroactive impact is summarized in the table below.

Estimated Retroactive Cost (April 1, 2017 - September 30, 2020)

Time Period Salary Overtime OMERS* EHT Total
04/01/2017 - 09/30/2017 $63,917.10 $2,108.59 $9,331.90 $1,287.50 $76,645.09
10/01/2017 - 03/31/2018 $67,451.74 $3,312.88 $9,847.95 $1,379.91 $81,992.48