documents required as part of the request for payment to the Supervisor, Environmental Sustainability & Climate Change or designate, subject to financial content approval from the area’s Financial Planning Administrator or their manager; and,

3. That City Council APPROVE the use of $123,500 in funding from the Climate Change Reserve Funds (Fund 223) as the City’s matching funding for the development of the Sustainable Neighbourhood Action Plan, which includes a building energy audit.

Executive Summary:



In 2015, The City of Windsor began the process of developing a long-term comprehensive plan to address energy and greenhouse gas emissions through the completion of a Community Energy Plan (CEP) and associated Corporate Climate Action Plan. These plans were approved by City Council in July 2017 (CR426/2017).

The vision of the Community Energy Plan is to create economic advantage, mitigate climate change, and improve energy performance. It strives to position Windsor as an energy center of excellence that boasts efficient, innovative, and reliable energy systems that contribute to the quality of life of the residents and businesses.

The Community Energy Plan (CEP) included a community-wide goal to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by 40% of 2014 levels and to reduce per-capita energy consumption by 40%. Increasing efficiency of new-build developments was identified as an important element of the GHG reduction pathway.

In June of 2020, a council question was brought forth as part of the City’s Climate Emergency Declaration. The question is as follows:

CQ 12-2020 Further to recommendations previously approved by Council regarding Climate Change that Administration prepare a report outlining how the City of Windsor could proceed with a neighbourhood energy and climate change strategy for the