Item No. 9.1

Council Report: S 109/2020

Subject: Transit Windsor - Non Union Salary Market Review-City Wide


Date to Council: September 23, 2020
Author: Vincenza Mihalo, Executive Director of Human Resources
519-255-6515, ext. 6259; vmihalo@citywindsor.caHuman Resources
Report Date: 8/10/2020
Clerk’s File #: MT/13708

To: Mayor and Members of City Council


THAT the Salary Market Review completed by Annetts & Associates, reporting on the compensation of Transit Windsor Non Union Employee group BE RECEIVED for information; and,

THAT the recommended 2017 salary increase of 5.4%, for the non union employee group BE APPROVED; and,

THAT the recommended effective date of April 1, 2017 for the recommended increase BE APPROVED; and,

THAT the estimated retroactive cost (April 1, 2017 – September 30, 2020) of approximately $573,740.33 BE APPROVED and that it be funded from the City’s Salary & Wage Provision; and,

THAT the estimated variance (October 1, 2020 – December 31, 2020) of approximately $44,662.15 BE APPROVED and that it be funded from the City’s Salary & Wage Provision; and,

THAT the estimated 2021 budget impact of approximately $158,388.63 BE APPROVED and that it be funded from the City’s Salary & Wage Provision.

Executive Summary: