Environment, Transportation & Public Safety Standing Committee
Wednesday, August 26, 2020

insurance that is currently required. Ms. Richters provides some risk background and states that the community gardens are insured similar to any part of a city park and the insurance that was required was more to protect the person that was leasing the plot. Ms. Richters adds that when they researched other municipalities across Ontario that no other municipalities currently require insurance.

Councillor McKenzie inquires about details related to costs incurred by the city related to Option 2 and whether there may potentially be new revenues to offset those costs. Ms. Richters indicates that other municipalities do charge a fee to individual gardeners which helps to offset any of the costs associated with the servicing, i.e. water and mulch. Ms. Richters provides details related to Option 1 and the construction of the garden which is up to whoever wants to take part in the garden and may be a barrier to getting more gardens in place. Ms. Richters indicates they are also considering the Environmental Master Plan which has a reserve of $5,000 to be used for building plots if needed as well as future park redevelopment.

Councillor Costante requests clarification related to the policy for community gardens and whether it only applies to City of Windsor property. Ms. Richters responds affirmatively.

Councillor Francis inquires as to whether the City is looking to fill the gap that the United Way left when they reallocated their funding to different areas. Ms. Richters indicates that they are responding to the Council directive and she adds that Option 2 as outlined in the report is one way to address the United Way funding and how to make it more accessible to everyone in the city.

Councillor Francis inquires about funding requirements related to option 2. Ms. Richters indicates that if the funding requirements are greater than what was called for in the report, they would seek Council direction each time. Ms. Richters adds that they already have preapproved parks so if a community group chooses to build a community garden in one of those parks, the group can go through an administrative process to be able to leverage the $5,000 and if the proposed site is not on a preapproved list it would have to come to Council for approval.

Moved by: Councillor McKenzie

Seconded by: Councillor Costante

Decision Number: ETPS 780

  1. THAT the report of the Environment & Sustainability Coordinator dated August 6, 2020, entitled “Response to Council Directive Requesting Administration to Report Back to Council with Gap-Filling Opportunities in Community Gardens on Municipal Property Policy” BE RECEIVED.

  2. THAT Option 2: City Led Community Gardens BE APPROVED.

  3. THAT Administration BE DIRECTED to update the Community Gardens on Municipal Property Policy.


    Councillor Francis voting nay.