Summary of Results  

  31.12.2019  31.12.2018
Going Concern Financial Status     
Market value of assets   $34,778,000  $32,901,000 
Going concern funding target   $26,686,000  $27,378,000 
Funding excess (shortfall)   $8,092,000  $5,523,000 
Funded ratio   130%  120% 
Hypothetical Wind-up Financial Position     
Wind-up assets   $39,468,000  $37,515,000 
Wind-up liability   $37,466,000  $36,875,000 
Wind-up excess (shortfall)   $2,002,000  $640,000 
Wind-up ratio   105%  102% 
Funding Requirements in the Year Following the Valuation 1     
Total current service cost  $0  $0  
Expense allowance   $100,000  $100,000 
Total   $100,000  $100,000 

1 Provided for reference purposes only. Contributions must be remitted to the Plan in accordance with the Minimum Funding Requirements and Maximum Eligible Contributions sections of this report.