Item No. 8.4

Council Report: C 158/2020

Subject: Response to Council Directive Requesting Administration to Report Back to Council with Gap-Filling Opportunities in Community Gardens on Municipal Property Policy- City-Wide


Date to Council: August 26, 2020
Author: Meraal Yared
Environment & Sustainability Coordinator
519-253-7111 ext 3290
Pollution Control
Report Date: August 6, 2020
Clerk’s File #: SR2020

To: Mayor and Members of City Council


  1. THAT City Council RECEIVE the Response to Council Directive Requesting Administration to Report Back to Council with Gap-Filling Opportunities in Community Gardens on Municipal Property Policy report; and

  2. THAT City Council PROVIDE DIRECTION to Administration on proceeding with Option
    1: Status Quo or Option 2: City Led Community Gardens; and

  3. THAT should City Council choose Option 2: City Led Community Gardens, that Administration BE DIRECTED to update the Community Gardens on Municipal Property Policy.

Executive Summary:



The Community Gardens on Municipal Property Policy (the “Policy”) was initially approved by Council on August 24th, 2014 (M337-2014). At that time there were three community gardens operating on City property. The Policy was created to streamline an application process for community groups as well as outline internal department roles and responsibilities for supporting community gardens on public property.

The update to the Policy was approved by Council on May 4th, 2020 (CR188/2020). At the same meeting, Council directed administration to prepare a report for Council’s consideration outlining potential opportunities for gap-filling where United Way funding had dropped off in certain neighbourhoods, where the gardens were relying on that funding and those groups to keep them going.