These parking restrictions are intended to facilitate parent pick-up and drop-off on the school side of the street (since no parking zones allow loading and unloading) while also deterring students from crossing mid-block (since no stopping zones do not allow loading or unloading).

The Policy allows parking regulations to be stricter than those listed, but not more permissive. The existing no parking zone on the east side of McDougall Street is not proposed to be changed.

Recommended parking regulations for each school approach street are provided below. An overall diagram of existing and proposed parking restrictions is provided as Appendix 4.

McDougall Street

The Policy identifies certain cases that are exempt from the normal on-street parking requirements:

Neither of these cases apply for the section of McDougall at the future James L. Dunn Public School; because of this, the policy would normally require a no stopping zone along the west side of McDougall Street (i.e. also along the frontage of the Windsor Residence).

A no stopping zone along the frontage of the Windsor Residence would prohibit curbside pick-up and drop-off by Handi-Transit and others. This is a unique circumstance that was not anticipated when the School Neighbourhood Policy was prepared.

Administration proposes that a length of time-limited accessible parking be provided to allow the Windsor Residence to continue Handi-Transit pick-ups and drop-offs on street at their existing curb cut.

The overall intent of the School Neighbourhood Policy will be maintained even with this waiver of the policy: because stopping by vehicles without accessible parking permits will still be prohibited in the accessible parking area, the accessible parking zone will still be effective at deterring student pick-up and drop-off on the opposite side of the street from the new school.