Financial Matters:

For new metered locations, with a 2 meter head configuration, the cost for this infrastructure to be put in is approximately $1,500.00. This includes the installation of a meter pole, done by an outside contractor, new meter heads with coin operated mechanisms for timing procedures, as well as City forces labour time for installation of these. If so granted, there are 6 of these locations for a total of 12 meters. The cost for a single head configuration is approximately $1,050. There is one single head location. The total installation cost for 13 meters (6 double meter and 1 single meter) is approximately $10,050.00.


13 new metered locations, with an enforcement time of the standard 9 am until 6 pm


 Year 1  

Future Years 

Estimated Annual Revenue



Estimated Annual Cost to Install / Maintain



Estimated Annual Net Revenue




No costs incurred, and no new revenues gained.




Should Council choose to proceed with a change in this area, Administration recommends OPTION A.

Planning Act Matters: N/A


Name Title
Cindy Becker Financial Planning Administrator – Public Works Operations
Shawna Boakes Senior Manager of Traffic Operations & Parking
Dwayne Dawson Executive Director of Operations
Mark Winterton City Engineer