Windsor’s Deep Energy Efficiency Retrofit (“DEER”) Program was also included in the Acceleration of Climate Change Actions in response to the Climate Change Emergency Declaration as a Priority 1 mitigation action (S18/2020)


The purpose of this report is to obtain authorization to apply to the FCM CEF Program for funding to complete a program design study. This program design study will work to address the areas of interest outlined in item 3 of council resolution CR112/2020.

FCM Community Efficiency Financing

The Federation of Canadian Municipalities has recently earmarked $300 million for the delivery of the FCM CEF Program. The focus of this funding is to provide support for municipalities to create and implement innovative financing mechanisms geared towards accelerating investments in energy efficiency and renewable energy generation. The FCM CEF Program also allows for up to 30% of any grant funding to be used to support Climate Change Adaptation (ex. basement flooding subsidy program) and home safety measures (ex. actions to age in place).

This program includes three options available to municipalities as shown in this table.

Initiatives Description Funding Type
Studies (grants) Support municipalities to develop or refine a concept to the point where it is ready to apply for capitalization Up to costs $175k80% to aof the eligible maximum of
Program Capitalization Capital launch initiatives to orsupport growth the of A loan of up to $10M, with an accompanying grant of up to 50% of the loan amount. The GMF can cover up to 80% of the total eligible costs
Credit Enhancement A partial loan guarantees to be used to help leverage A partial loan guarantee of