Item No. 8.6

Council Report: S 108/2020

Subject: CQ 6-2020 New Residential Permit Areas - City Wide


Date to Council: August 26, 2020
Author: Shawna Boakes
Senior Manager, Traffic Operations & Parking Services
519-255-6247 x6791
Public Works - Operations
Report Date: August 10, 2020
Clerk’s File #: ST2020

To: Mayor and Members of City Council


THAT this report in response to CQ 6-2020 – New Residential Permit Areas BE RECIEVED by Council for information.

Executive Summary:



At the meeting of City Council on March 2, 2020, Councillor Holt asked CQ 6-2020 as follows:

“Asks that administration report back to Council on the merits of allowing new residential parking permits areas within the City and what the process should be with regards to requesting new locations and conditions to be met for approval. ST2020”

Residential Permit Parking was implemented in neighborhoods impacted by various institutions in the early 1990’s. The residential permit parking program began in 1992 as per CR1421/92. The fee structure for residential parking permits was established by CR585/96 and continues in its present form as amended from time to time. The fees from the sale of the residential permits are intended to cover the maintenance and administration costs for the program, such as the staff time in preparing and issuing permits, installation and maintenance of signs, etc.