The assumptions are as follows:
Form of Benefit Settlement Elected by Member
Lump sum: 70% of non-pensioners under age 55 and with less than 30 years of service.
Annuity purchase: All remaining members are assumed to elect to receive their benefit entitlement in the form of a deferred or immediate pension.
Basis for Benefits Assumed to be Settled through a Lump Sum
Mortality rates: 100% of the rates of the 2014 Canadian Pensioners Mortality Table (CPM2014) with fully generational improvements using CPM Scale B
Interest rate: 2.40% per year for 10 years, 2.50% per year thereafter
Indexation rate for
benefits indexed at
75% of CPI less 2%: 0.00%
Indexation rate for
benefits indexed at
75% of CPI less 1%: 0.00%
Basis for Benefits Assumed to be Settled through the Purchase of an Annuity
Mortality rates: 100% of the rates of the 2014 Canadian Pensioners Mortality Table (CPM2014) with fully generational improvements using CPM Scale B
Adjustment to mortality rates: No adjustment
Interest rate: 2.95% per year based on a duration of 10.81 years determined for the liabilities assumed to be settled through the purchase of an annuity.
Indexation rate for
benefits indexed at
75% of CPI less 2%: 0.44% per year