Maximum Eligible Contributions

The Income Tax Act (the “ITA”) limits the amount of employer contributions that can be remitted to the defined benefit component of a registered pension plan.

In accordance with Section 147.2 of the ITA and Income Tax Regulation 8516, for a plan that is underfunded on either a going concern or on a hypothetical wind-up basis, the maximum permitted contributions are equal to the employer’s current service cost, including the explicit expense allowance if applicable, plus the greater of the going concern funding shortfall and hypothetical wind-up shortfall.

For a plan that is fully funded on both going concern and hypothetical wind-up bases, the employer can remit a contribution equal to the employer’s current service cost, including the explicit expense allowance if applicable, as long as the surplus in the plan does not exceed a prescribed threshold. Specifically, in accordance with Section 147.2 of the ITA, for a plan that is fully funded on both going concern and hypothetical wind-up bases, the plan may not retain its registered status if the employer makes a contribution while the going concern funding excess exceeds 25% of the going concern funding target.

Notwithstanding the above, any contributions that are required to be made in accordance with pension benefits legislation are eligible contributions in accordance with Section 147.2 of the ITA and can be remitted.

Schedule of Maximum Contributions

The Company is permitted to fully fund the greater of the going concern and hypothetical wind-up shortfalls determined without the letter of credit ($2,888,000), as well as make current service cost contributions. The portion of this contribution representing the payment of the hypothetical wind-up shortfall can be increased with interest at 2.95% per year from the valuation date to the date the payment is made, and must be reduced by the amount of any deficit funding made from the valuation date to the date the payment is made.