The hypothetical wind-up financial position as of the valuation date, compared with that at the previous valuation, is as follows:

  31.12.2019 31.12.2018
Market value of assets   $34,778,000  $32,901,000 
Face value of the letter of credit $4,890,000 $4,814,000
Termination expense provision   ($200,000)  ($200,000) 
Wind-up assets $39,468,000 $37,515,000
Present value of accrued benefits for:     
  • Active members
$5,269,000   $7,006,000 
  • Pensioners and survivors
$31,847,000 $29,544,000
  • Deferred pensioners
$350,000  $325,000
Total wind-up liability $37,466,000 $36,875,000
Wind-up excess (shortfall)- including letter of credit $2,002,000 $640,000
Wind-up excess (shortfall)- excluding letter of credit ($2,888,000) ($4,174,000)

Wind-up Incremental Cost 

The wind-up incremental cost is an estimate of the present value of the projected change in the hypothetical wind-up liabilities from the valuation date until the next scheduled valuation date, adjusted for the benefit payments expected to be made in that period.