Financial Matters:

The estimated cost to install traffic and parking regulation signs for the new James L. Dunn Public School, including the cost to install the accessible parking zone on McDougall Street, is $6,800. The current Capital Budget does not provide a funding placeholder for the School Neighbourhood Policy program (project OPS-001-18) until 2022. Administration recommends that funds be brought forward to the current year as a pre-commitment against 2022 in order to carry out this work. Bringing forward these funds will incur a financing charge of approximately $203, for a total cost of $7,003.


Neil Robertson and Melissa Gasic, Planning

Shawna Boakes, Roberto Peticca and Shari Gabriele, Traffic Operations


Parking and traffic by-law amendments to accommodate the new James L. Dunn Public School on Mercer Street are recommended. The current capital budget does not provide a placeholder for School Neighbourhood Policy implementation until 2022; funding this work will require a pre-commitment against the 2022 budget.

Administration recommends that the School Neighbourhood Policy be waived to allow a time-limited on-street accessible parking space on McDougall Street. This deviation from the normal requirements of the School Neighbourhood Policy will allow pick-up and drop-off of people with disabilities at the Windsor Residence to continue.

The recommended waiver of the policy in keeping with the spirit and intent of the School Neighbourhood Policy, since the proposed parking restrictions will still deter mid-block crossings on McDougall Street for parent pick-up and drop-off at the new school.

Planning Act Matters:



Name Title
Don Nantais Financial Planning Administrator
John Revell Chief Building Official
Shelby Askin-Hager City Solicitor
Mark Winterton City Engineer
Joe Mancina City Treasurer
Onorio Colucci Chief Administrative Officer