Appendix D

Methods and Assumptions – Hypothetical Wind-Up and Solvency

Hypothetical Wind-up Basis

The Canadian Institute of Actuaries requires actuaries to report the financial position of a pension plan on the assumption that the plan is wound up on the effective date of the valuation, with benefits determined on the assumption that the pension plan has neither a surplus nor a deficit.

To determine the actuarial liability on the hypothetical wind-up basis, we have valued those benefits that would have been paid had the Plan been wound up on the valuation date, with all members fully vested in their accrued benefits.

The Standards of Practice of the Canadian Institute of Actuaries require that the scenario upon which the hypothetical wind-up valuation is based be postulated. The circumstances in which the Plan wind-up is assumed to have taken place are as follows:

It should be noted however that there are no benefits under the plan contingent upon the circumstances of the plan wind-up or contingent upon other factors. The postulated scenario has no impact on the benefits payable. No benefits payable on plan wind-up were excluded from our calculations. The plan wind-up is assumed to occur in circumstances that maximize the actuarial liability.

Upon plan wind-up, members are given options for the method of settling their benefit entitlements. The options vary by eligibility and by province of employment, but in general, involve either a lump sum transfer or an immediate or deferred pension.