forward as there are plans coming from Federal/Provincial dollars for these programs some of which are matched with local dollars. He questions do we see any of these at risk?

M. Winterton responds that we do know that projections have been reviewed through year-end. Transit Windsor continues to run a significant deficit and it will likely be the highest variance in the 2020 budget. Many of the unknowns are what is going to happen at senior levels of government. We do not know what funding is coming from them. As it relates to what the impact will be on the Transit Windsor Master Plan and the Service Delivery Review, it is their intention to continue with the plans.

P. Delmore reports that when the Transit Windsor Master Plan was brought to this committee, the Board and City Council, one of the things that Dillon Consulting did was to make the plan very flexible. There are a number of ways to implement the different phases of the Master Plan and there are capital dollars through ICEP to support the implementation of the Plan.

In response to a question asked by the Chair regarding if the Consultant quantified the returns on investment for transit in our community, P Delmore responds this was not undertaken.

The Chair asks if reports relating to “investing in transit” can be provided for the committee at the next meeting. P. Delmore responds those reports will be provided.

5. Date of Next Meeting

The next meeting will be held at the call of the Chair.

6. Adjournment

There being no further business, the meeting is adjourned at 10:56 o’clock a.m.




