In accordance with Schedule A, section 1.23 of Property Standards by-law 9-2019, in order to decommission, septic tanks, treatment units, leaching beds or dry wells, they shall be pumped dry and the contents disposed of at a suitable disposal site and a receipt of the disposal fee shall be submitted to the Officer. The tanks, treatment units or dry wells shall be disposed of to the satisfaction of the Officer, cavities shall be filled with sand or other suitable material and the ground graded to match existing grades. Existing building drain(s) not being reused shall be removed from the foundation wall and the foundation wall shall be repaired and made impervious to water.

Given the depth of the lots on Baseline as well as the location of the majority of septic systems in the rear yard, the costs associated with the above may be higher than for conventional subdivision lots.

Part III of O. Reg. 586/06 allows a property owner to raise the cost of undertaking works as local improvements on private property by requesting that the municipality impose special charges on the lots of consenting property owners upon which all or part of the works are or will be located. This allows 100 % of the cost of the work on private property to be assessed to the property owner and the costs to be paid over a repayment period similar to the municipal local improvement charges.

This approach may provide more attractive interest rates and borrowing terms for homeowners than they would otherwise be able to obtain. The upfront capital costs to the property owners will be spread out over time, however, the total cost will increase with the addition of interest charges. The City would facilitate the collection of annual payments from the homeowners by way of a charge which is added to the final property tax bill. The charge would be supported through a local improvement charges by-law and agreements with the consenting property owners.

To date the City has not undertaken local improvements related to private infrastructure on private property. In the event that Council approves the recommendation to proceed with the private local improvement, only those properties that specifically request this and consent to be included in the private local improvement will be included. Those not wishing to be included will be required in accordance with Property Standards by-law 9-2019 to apply for a permit for septic system changeover within one (1) year of receiving notice from the City that the sanitary mainline sewer is available. The property owners involved in the private local improvement will have the same timelines to complete the work, however repayment will be in accordance with the private local improvement charges process.

Administration suggests the process below for the private local improvement.

Proposed Process for Private Local Improvement Infrastructure on Private Property