2. Welcome to Board Member/Windsor Councillor Mr. Fabio Costante

The General Manager introduced City of Windsor Councillor Fabio Costante. Mr. Costante will sit on the Board for 2020 and again in 2022. Deputy Mayor Leo Meloche will return to the Board in 2021.

The Board was advised that on January 29, 2020 that the General Manager and the Manager of Finance and Administration had an orientation meeting with Mr. Costante. The General Manager introduced the Manager of Waste Diversion and the Manager of Waste Disposal to Mr. Costante.

3. Election of Chair and Vice Chair for 2020

The General Manager noted that for 2020 the Chair will be elected from the City of Windsor representatives and the Vice Chair will be elected from among County of Essex representatives. He called for nominations for Board Chair from among the City of Windsor representatives.

Mr. Sleiman nominated Mr. Kaschak for Board Chair.

The General Manager called 2 additional times for nominations for the position of Board Chair. None were noted. He then asked Mr. Kaschak if he would stand for the Board Chair position.

Mr. Kaschak accepted the nomination as Board Chair.

Moved by Ed Sleiman
Seconded by Jim Morrison
THAT Gary Kaschak, City of Windsor Councillor, is named as Board Chair for the period ending December 31, 2020.

Carried Unanimously

Mr. Kaschak assumed the Chair position and continued the election process.

The Chair called for nominations for a Board Vice Chair from among the County representatives.

Mr. McNamara nominated Aldo DiCarlo for Board Vice Chair.

The Chair called 2 additional times for nominations for the position of Board Vice Chair. None were noted. The Chair then asked Mr. DiCarlo whether he would stand for the Board Vice Chair position.

Mr. DiCarlo accepted the nomination as Board Vice Chair.

Moved by Gary McNamara

Seconded by Hilda MacDonald