Table 12: Compost Sales 2019 Summary

Compost Material Quantity Sold Tonnes
Delivered 750 cubic yards 441
Bulk Sales 25,251 cubic yards 14,848
Bag Your Own Compost 1,488 bags 40
Prepackaged Garden Gold Compost 11,998 bags 228
Total: 15,557

Notes: Prepackaged bag weights are based on approximately 19 kg/bag; bag your own compost is approximately 27 kg/bag and bulk compost is approximately 588 kg/cubic yard.

Under contract to the Authority, Frank Dupuis Landscaping and Trucking provided delivery services for the sale of 441 tonnes of bulk compost to local residents. Also 14,848 tonnes in bulk sales were sold to residents and businesses at EWSWA Depots. Additionally, about 11,998 prepackaged bags of compost were sold at the Depots. Many residents also bagged their own compost at one of the depots. The combined total weight of compost sold was approximately 15,557 tonnes. In 2019, compost sales totaled $227,185.

5.3 Backyard Composting

Backyard composters (BYC) with the brand name “The Earth Machine” and “The Green Cone” were sold to Essex-Windsor residents in 2019. The Earth Machine was sold through local Home Hardware stores year-round. Both units were sold during the Truckload Sale held in the City of Windsor. Approximately 37 Earth Machine units were sold through the Home Hardware stores and 217 units were sold during the truckload and miscellaneous sales for a total of 254 units sold in 2019. There were 94 Green Cones sold in 2019. This brings the cumulative total to 752 Green Cones distributed since 2010, which is when they were first introduced to the area. The combined BYC distributed in 2019 was 348 units bringing the total number of units sold since 1988 to 39,881 units.

Current research has indicated that approximately 100 kg/year/BYC is diverted as a result of the backyard composting program. This translates into 3,988 tonnes of organic waste diverted from the landfill through this program. This does not consider homemade composters or composting done independent of the Authority’s backyard composting program.